










1。 我們的軟件產生有形的學生數據,允許講師密切關注每個學生的進步。通過老師的接口,你可以一目了然地看出哪些中國的零部件和字符的學生已完成,學生花費了多少時間在每次運動,以及如何每次練習完成了,怎麼一個學生做了檢討測​​驗看看。這個數據被安全地存儲在我們的基於雲的服務器,但也可以由教員下載。

2。 我們的軟件是自適應的教練。我們提供導師的選擇無數與一流的學習活動,使我們的中國character學習軟件。






3。 我們的內容是轉讓。不是每個學生需要被使用相同的內容的播放列表。教師可以選擇一個內容播放整個類,或者它們可以分配不同的播放列表根據每個學生不同的學生。

4。 教師可以控制的運動設置,以決​​定每個組件/模塊字符之內的學生學習練習必須完成,以便進行學生可以選擇跳過,甚至還可以禁用練習。教官還能夠設置和鎖定難度每次鍛煉的程度。

5。 Our software is adaptive for the student. A student can work through their assigned content playlist at their own pace. We understand that some students learn faster than others, so our software allows those students to move through the content as fast as they can. Upon completing the exercises in one component or character module they will be seamlessly directed to the next module in their playlist, and our software will ensure they are doing review quizzes frequently enough. Students can practice the exercises in each module as many times as necessary until they feel comfortable before moving to the next module, and it’s also easy for students to go back and review previous component or character modules.

6。 We have hundreds of hours of instructional content. To approximate how many hours each particular content playlist will take to complete, multiply the number of modules in that playlist by 7-10 minutes (to complete all of the exercises in a component or character module typically takes 7-10 minutes). Our Chinese Component Mastery Courses make an excellent stand-alone, semester-long or year-long “Introduction to Chinese Characters” course that will take the student approximately 47-67 hours to complete. Any of the Chinese Component Mastery Courses will teach the student the 400 basic components that join together to create all Chinese characters. 400 modules multiplied by 7 minutes is 47 hours. Moving at a slower pace of 10 minutes per module will require approximately 67 hours to complete the course. If there is any remaining time in the semester but all modules have been completed, we also have several mass review options to quickly review all of the content a student has learned.

The time needed to complete our various Chinese Character Courses varies depending on the content playlist selected. Learning 200 Chinese characters (and optionally their associated components) from a class textbook playlist will be completed in a shorter amount of time than the Key Characters and Derivatives playlist which contains 4000 character modules.

7. Our web app is cloud-based so that students can log into any device in your school or at home to access their accounts. The ABCs of Chinese is optimized on all platforms and devices allowing students to work from a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. There’s nothing to installthey only need an internet connection in order to continue where they left off from on any device!

8. Teachers can quickly and painlessly create and manage new student accounts through the instructor interface. (Alternatively, students can register themselves and add themselves to a student group created by an instructor.)

9. 我們的內容對準“共同核心”原則。在美國的教育體系已經開始逐漸遠離它強調的事實召回。相反,出現了一個推動學生去後更深的技能和學以致用。這正是我們試圖在中國文字的學習帶來同樣的變化。我們想從寫作的線條,猛撲無意義序列的痛苦背誦記憶的做法搬走,並大幅度削減了一遍又一遍。我們希望學生認識到,中國的字符不是一個隨機分類行被記憶,而是一個中國人性格是幾個簡單的象形表意文字和攜帶意義的組合。

10. Our software and teaching methodology is time-tested and has proven to deliver successful results. During our beta release we had over 8000 independent users and schools from around the world working through our curriculum and providing us with feedback. We diligently listened to all of their suggestions and constructive criticism and have incorporated their feedback into this latest release. The ABCs team and our users are very excited with the current iteration of the ABCs of Chinese software.

11. We have straight forward, translucent subscription fees versus negotiating with salespeople. In addition, we don’t have a minimum number of seats you have to purchase, making it easy for you to start a pilot run with only a few students. Please see the Pricing page for details.